Man’s original sin produced our present environment in which sickness, disease, and death hold sway. However, there are some specific causes of sickness, disease, and infirmity that we need to consider. Every type or kind of sickness cannot be explained as to why it comes or whether we will be healed or bit, Those given are general points of reference from the Scripture to enable us to understand better some root causes.
If you are suffering some tragic illness, perhaps you can find help and direction from this lesson; and when healing comes, give God the glory. If healing does not come, never doubt Him or His ability to heal; learn to trust Him and lean upon Him inspire of pain and suffering. Above all, be sure your soul is right with God. That position assures you of a new body free from sickness and death.
Consider these causes of sickness and how to be healed.
Job serves as an example of what can happen in the life of a person living for God. (Study chapter 1-2 of Job.) God held Job up to Satan as one who feared Him. As a final result of Satan’s accusations, God removes the hedge from around Job and allowed Satan to take his possessions and finally his health.
Some calculate that Job had to endure this terrible tragedy and malady for a year or longer. Eventually the trial came to a close, Satan was shown Job’s dedication, and Job was healed.
Trials come in many forms and these trials can come through the avenue of sickness. If your sickness is a trial such as Job’s, healing will come at the end of the trial. Our task is to be faithful during such times and not charge God foolishly (Job 1:22; 2:10).
Man’s original sin caused all of us to be subject to sickness. On the other hand, our individual sin and disobedience can subject us to a personal encounter with sickness, disease, and even death.
People in our world, especially those who do not know God, suffer untold personal suffering because of their individual sin and rebellion. Consider the results of drinking, smoking, immorality (disease of AIDS), etc.
If the sickness of believers is due to personal sin and disobedience, the route to healing is repentance and restoration. God is trying to awake these individuals, get them to turn from sin, and save them form the second death.
Although it may sound cruel, this may be the only way to keep pride form destroying us. Some people’s attention cannot be arrested outside of physical pain and suffering. Far better is it for God to use physical suffering to keep us humble than for us to be lost.
If infirmity comes to keep you humble, you may never be healed or delivered from it. Nevertheless,God’s grace is sufficient to keep you and help you bear it. Personal reflection and discernment are needful at this juncture. Paul realized the basis of his infirmity and accepted God’s grace to sustain him.
No one wants to get sick, but before the glory and power of God can be manifest in healing someone must be sick. Could it be that we encounter sickness and disease in order for God to receive glory by healing us? Apparently so, according to the following references.
Whenever we are healed of sickness and disease, God deserves all the glory. We must recognize God as our healer, not the minister or the ones who pray for us.
Note that only the unsaved are referred to in this topic. God’s people, even the weakest saint, is not demon possessed. Sinners and backsliders can be demon possessed but not saints of God! “Because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world” (1 John 4:4). If you are a child of God, stop listening to the devil or someone who tells you that you are demon possessed.
Note also that saints or sinners (who are not demon possessed) can and often have some of the same problems discussed here. Demon possession must be discerned, not decided by physical handicaps!
Old age, birth defects, accidents, and other things can create or cause physical handicaps and impairment. Common sense, good judgment, and fairness must accompany our encounters with physical problems, along with compassion, love, and prayer, for the afflicted.
Each example given here is a direct result of personal sin and demon possession; in context, each person involved was in such state before coming to Christ.
Upon encountering any person with one or all of these problems, we should be cautious in pronouncing its cause as demon possession. If physical problems are a direct result of demon possession, when the demons are cast out then healing and restoration will occur. In each instance where Jesus cast out demons causing physical problems, the people were healed.
If physical impairment in a sinner’s body is not a result of demon possession, the person may be born again of the water and Spirit and still be physically impaired. Remember, the essential thing is to be born again and live in accordance to God’s Word. All who do so will go to heaven whether they are sick or well while on earth.
Due to our limited life span, having bodies designed to deteriorate, we encounter sickness and disease. Elderly people with health problems should not be condemned because of their weak and sick bodies, nor be made to feel that they have lost their faith or favor with God.
One visit to aged parents, friends, or a nursing home, will drive home this point. Ministers and saints alike are not immune to the aging process. Neither is their illness an indication that God has forsaken them or that they have lost faith for healing.
Yes, God heals elderly people, but they are still old. Healing is not a fountain of youth – it is relative to our age. Sickness comes through many avenues, and the aging process is one of the,
Note: Along with the six things already mentioned in determining the cause of sickness, we should also consider childhood illnesses such as measles, mumps, chicken pox, etc. Some people have seasonal afflictions such as sinus, flu, asthma, etc. Others are involved in accidents creating paralysis, mental derangement, blindness, etc. Birth defect can cause serious physical problems.
Whatever the cause (how can we even identify them all?), God is able to deliver and heal any type, form, pr kind of sickness or disease.