Not being privileged to sit at the feet of Jesus or His apostles does not in any way negate our responsibility to truth. Though we are many centuries removed from the date of its origin, this great salvation and how to obtain it have been preserved for us. When the Bible refers to “the things which we have heard” (Hebrews 2:1), it does not simply mean that we had to hear them from Christ, an angel, or the apostles in order to give heed to the. So long as we have the truth as set forth in the scripture, we are responsible to hold it in esteem, guarding it lest we let it slip.
In order to clarify our text’s warning to us, and since it is an obligation of believers, let us define the key words in our text.
From this it becomes evident that believers must exercise caution relative to truth. Not only must we guard the plan of salvation, the gospel, doctrine, etc., but we must take heed to the teachings of God’s Word that tell us how to live and remain saved.
God has provided a wonderful system of checks and balances in our lives. Where one may fail or come short, others are provided for our safety and protection. We have numerous avenues through which we can hear from God and receive truth. Although the heavens declare the glory of God and the universe teaches us of Him, God always has a back-up system should one fail or should we overlook one (Psalm 19:1-4; Romans 10:18-21). Should error be injected by something or someone (even an angel, Galatians 1:6-9), God has other sources through which correction and balance will come. Thus we are protected when we five the more earnest heed to what we have heard. This also renders us inexcusable before God since He has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness (2 Peter 1:1-4). Let us note the means and methods through which God speaks and we hear. this is His system of checks and balances.
As never before, we are inundated with voices and examples from so-called Christians to reexamine, review, and reevaluate our beliefs, standards, and convictions. In this day of value adaptation and situation this, we need to give earnest heed to what we have been taught.
Modest dress codes, principles of decency, honesty, holiness, separation, etc. are being attacked by liberal philosophers as legalism, pharisaism, and asceticism. Influenced by the decadent lifestyle of our society and the permissiveness of the times, false prophets of modernism are calling for an abandonment of what we have heard. These proponents of a glorious freedom allegedly seek to deliver ignorant, fated, old-fashioned saints from a bondage imposed upon them by a previous generation of preachers, parents, and statesmen who were ignorant and out of touch. Such so-called scholars are products of a generation of luxury and ease. They think that they are the anointed, sent to widen the straight gate and broaden the narrow way.
Our teachers, those from whom we have heard, are not ignorant, aberrant, outdated evangels of a distant yesteryear. Truth is relevant to all generations! Holiness is God’s standard! Let us return to the faith once delivered to the saints. Let us deny self. crucify the flesh, and perfect holiness in the sight of God. Let us give earnest heed to what we have heard. This we ought to do.