Give More Earnest Heed

Ought – comes from two Greek words.
1. dei (die) or deon (deh-on’), meaning it is necessary as (a binding), behoved, must, needs, should.
2. opheileo (of-i-leh’-o), meaning to owe, to be under obligation, be bound, indebted, must, should.
3. Webster defines ought as an obligation or duty. Originally it was the past tense of the verb “to owe.”

The Epistle to the Hebrews exalts Christ to His rightful place of God manifest in the flesh. In the first two chapters of Hebrews, Christ and angels are the primary subjects. While we study these chapters, we will see several pertinent truths relative to both. In this context, the book sounds a warning to the Hebrew christians, as well as all Christendom, concerning the things they have heard.

Hebrew believers in the first century were strong believers in angels due to the angelic activity in the Old Testament. Paul himself was convinced of the existence and ministry of angels, since they had played a vital role in his life since conversion. However, it was important for believers to understand the superiority of Christ over angels, both in His Sonship and in His diety.

Apparently some Hebrew believers had a misconception regarding Christ. Therefore the Book of Hebrews establishes Christ’s preeminence, while at the same time giving recognition tot the past, present, and future work of angels. Inserted in this discourse is the warning contained in our text for this lesson. This admonition remains relevant to all believers of every generation lest they become careless, thereby allowing life-giving truths to slip away from them.

Hebrews 2 appeals to us on the basis of “so great salvation,” referring to its origin as well as its Originator. Neglecting this salvation, which involves allowing taught truths to slip from us, will put us in an inescapable position. Giving proper and necessary heed to salvational truths is essential if we are to escape eternal damnation.