Scripture shows us that Satan has access to God’s presence (Job 1:6-12; 2:1-7; Revelation 12:3-9). As a result, he takes on the role of “the accuser of our brothers and sisters” (Revelation 12:10). During the Tribulation of the end times, God will totally cast Satan out of heaven into the earth, ending his access to heaven (Revelation 12:3-9). Satan will continue his deception for a period of time, turning his worst fury on humanity because he will know his time is short.
Satan accuses us to God by insinuating that our motivation for service to God is personal gain and well-being. God may allow Satan to afflict us as he did Job to prove him wrong, as well as to develop us into stranger Christians. One day Satan will be bruised under our feet (Roman 16:20). The Accuser will be cast down, and we will obtain eternal victory over our adversary.