Untold enemies and innumerable foes attack sound principles of truth. Never have so many stood for so little and so many abandoned so much. None have escaped the relentless onslaught of hell against God’s church. Since we are subjected to the pressures of peers, false teachers, and strong voices, it is incumbent upon us to give earnest heed to truth lest we let it slip.
Here are three safety nets, checks and balances, or guards that we can raise against our insidious foe, who wants to slip from us what we have heard. Slipping occurs so silently, imperceptibly, and easily that we can lose precious things painlessly and effortlessly. Let us mount a guard against the enemy; let us set a watchman on the wall as we hone our perceptivity to hear from God. Add other thoughts to these as you study or teach these principles of safety.
- Reviewing, restating, rehearsing, and repeating over and over again principles of truth will keep them fresh in our minds and hearts. Satan is a thief of the Word (Matthew 13:19), and through our negligence he can cause us to let truth slip away. Repetition is one of the most effective ways to establish practiced principles. Parents, preachers, and teachers, let us not grow weary in rehearsing the blessed story over and over again.
- Being preoccupied with truth and eternal values rather than things of lesser value will thwart Satan’s attempt to slip truth from us. Our life does not consist in the abundance of things that we possess (Luke 12:15). Therefore, let us seek things that are above, setting our affection upon them (Colossians 3:1-2).
- Actively pursuing, promulgating, and practicing righteousness and true holiness will keep us focused on principles of truth. Not for one moment can we slacken or let down our guard in our vigilance for retaining truth.